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Let Plane Data, Inc help your bank make high-quality loans, manage risk, and improve your workflow
Needing help with the Ins and Outs of Aircraft Financing?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
We've helped dozens of lenders and banks across the nation make solid, profitable aircraft loans while minimizing their risk.
- How to Identify Aircraft Financing and Evaluation Risks
- Common Areas Where Fraud can Exist
- A General Overview of the Aircraft Appraisal Industry
- How to Vet Your Aircraft Financing Resources
- Which Aircraft Valuation Methedology is Right for You
- How to Identify & Address Questionable or "High Risk" Assets & Projects
- And More!
We help banks across the country:
Because your bank policy is usually structured about the “Loan to Value”, isn’t the value itself important to know and understand? All aircraft and all aircraft deals look great from a distance but usually show blemishes on closer examination. In some cases, those blemishes put the bank at unnecessary risk when financing aircraft – both now and in the future. Think of unreported damage history! What about the aircraft’s title? Are you sure all liens are identified and addressed before Closing? Financing aircraft is a serious undertaking. We can help step you through the process.
When the aircraft is used as collateral, there are number of questions a responsible bank/banker continues to ask such as – Is the aircraft being properly maintained or sitting in a corner of the hangar or on a ramp because the owner cannot fly it? Has the aircraft been damaged and now worth substantially less than we anticipated? Are our residual value expectations meeting reality? We can help answer those questions and many more through research and analysis of the aircraft during specific points in the aircraft’s life. Call us to find out more.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Exceptional situations aside, every signed aircraft appraisal report means that a trained, experienced aviation professional went into the field to physically look at the aircraft, inventoried the equipment and records plus reviewed all log books to validate the basic information needed to form a reliable opinion of value – and this is clearly stated in the report itself along with the Scope of Work. Information obtained from the field visit may or may not agree with the sales data sheet or whatever a 3 rd party provides but this is why the field visit is critical to the final opinion of value.
Desktop reporting involves no field visits of course and uses unverified/unvalidated data from 3 rd parties who, in many cases, have a vested interest in the final opinion of value. The desktop appraisal is certainly cheaper! In person appraisals such as those provided by Plane Data, Inc. are only suitable for companies and individuals who want factual information that is credible and reliable.
If the objective is to obtain a credible, reliable opinion of value based on field research and factual data, then you want to hire an appraiser before negotiating the price or seeking financing. Hiring the appraiser later in the process could be costly due to their findings from the field research revealing information that may have impacted your initial purchase decision or terms of the Purchase Agreement. Many clients use the appraisal report to negotiate a better and more realistic price and terms.
Read More – What Should I know before hiring an aircraft appraiser?
There is no simple answer to this question because it depends on the extent of the issue. For example, a damaged wingtip that is replaced with a factory-original unit would have minimal diminution of value – if any. On the other hand, an event that was not properly repaired or documented would have more impact to the diminution of value. The extent and amount of the impact to the aircraft’s value would depend on the level of damage and the present condition of the airframe.
Log books fall into that same type of analysis. An entry regarding the recent painting that was misplaced may be somewhat concerning but fixable due to the paint shop’s records thereby having minimal impact to the aircraft’s overall value. On the other hand, a missing log book covering a third of the aircraft’s life presents a very different situation for the appraiser – which is why field visits are so important.
Statements such as “all log books are original and complete” means very little if a professional never validates that fact. The same is true of “no damage history”. Those terms have subjective meanings when dealing with owners/brokers/dealers as there is a vested interest in representing the aircraft a certain way.