Aircraft Risk Analysis
If you're in the market to buy or finance an aircraft, you're likely in the process of weighing out the benefits against the risks to answer one complex question: "Should I buy or finance this aircraft?" Our Aircraft Risk Analysis will take many factors into consideration to help you make this decision.
The more information you provide, the better our risk analysis will be. Therefore, we'll ask for the registration, serial number, make, model, year, and total aircraft time along with information about the engine, avionics, logbooks, damage, and repairs.
Our aircraft risk analysis costs $250, a small price to pay to help guide your decision. You can view a sample report here.
Full Aircraft Appraisal
If you're overwhelmed by gathering all of this information or if you're looking for a more detailed analysis of your aircraft, you may wish to opt for a full appraisal of your aircraft.
With an aircraft appraisal, we will travel to the aircraft's location to physically examine it along with the logbooks and records to provide you with our detailed opinion of the aircraft’s value.
Price of an aircraft appraisal varies. Please click the button below to submit a request for appraisal and we will provide you a quote with the estimated cost.f